Saturday, September 12, 2009

Small Saturday Surprises

I really enjoyed my time today with Daniel & Summer. It was much needed for all of us. Thanks so much to Sandra for sacrificing her Saturday & allowing me to leave the hospital with no worries.

While I was gone Danny met doctor Testori (dr on call this weekend). He offered a game plan today that we were a bit surprised by. Dr. Testori told Sandra that he and Dr. Anagnost, Dr. Arb, & Dr. McNulty had a meeting to discuss his case. They are truly perplexed as to why Danny is so sick. They know the chemo drugs they are using are very strong and make for a tough time but they feel there should be or could be something else causing the intense sickness. They decided to do an MRI on his brain to see if they originally missed something small that could have grown over time. No results yet. We are hoping they do not find anything because we know the chemo does not affect the brain and this would mean there would need to be additional measures taken.

We were expecting Danny to get the port a cath inserted today but they have decided to use a PIC line instead. They have not placed that yet. He has had 5 different IV's in the last 3 days. Danny's veins are not very strong. They function for a while and then produce fever, red streaks, and pain. The IV team has a hard time finding good veins & they are not lasting long. We will be thankful when the PIC line is functioning. I am assuming they will restart the TPN feeding at that time. He is no longer receiving his meds by mouth they are using the IV in hopes of keeping him from vomiting.

He is still running a low grade fever with no real reason to explain it even though he has had tons of antibiotics over the past week.

For some reason today the communication and nursing care has been challenging. We hope tomorrow brings good news and a much better day as we gear up for treatment on Monday.


  1. We are still praying for you both.Hang in there Danny.God is in control.

  2. Keeping you in my prayers and praying that you will soon be well. Sorry you are having to go through all this sickness, but I pray that you will beat this. Continue to stay Strong in Faith and I know God will see you through it. "He never promised that the Cross would not get heavy and that the Hill would not be hard to climb, he never offered a Victory without fighting, but he said help would always come in time. Just remember when your standing in the valley of decision and the advesary says give in, just hold OUR LORD will show up and he will take you through the Fire again." You will get to the other side of this sickness with Faith in Christ and Support and prayers of family and friends, I know you will be Strong and Healthy and Loving Life and look back and say that you made it through the Storm. God Bless, Love Jamie Mabe Fitzsimmons
