Monday, September 14, 2009

Back on Track

Lots of progress was made today... finally! After a rough start our day turned out pretty good. This morning the doctor was surprised to find that Danny did not get his PIC line installed this weekend. He was ready to start the chemo early this morning. Believe it or not, there is only ONE radiologist at NHRMC that can do this particular procedure & they must not work weekends. Anyway, Danny was bumped down the line after the assessment of the weekend emergencies, of course they took priority as they should have. Dr. A tried to get Dr. Bebb to come to the hospital to do the procedure but that didn't work out either. After much shuffling and begging Dr. A resolved to have a new IV started so we would have a clean site for chemo. The VAT team was able to find one site that would work. We started pre-meds around 11:45 with chemo following shortly behind.

In the middle of the treatment Danny's number was up for the PIC line. So they took him downstairs for the procedure and it went very smooth with no issues that we are aware of. They began using it immediately for chemo. He finished up his treatment today so we were able to stay on schedule, which was extremely important. Thank the Lord for working all things together for Danny's good!

They have not yet started his TPN feeding. Good news he has only lost about 5 lbs since his feedings stopped. He had gained 2 lbs with the TPN and with the 5 pound loss he is still in the okay margin at this point. His blood sugar was high tonight. I am thinking it might have to do with the steroid given in his pre-meds. He only needed 3 units of insulin.

Danny was able to rest a lot today. Fortunately, he has not been sick & I am hoping we will make it through the night without being sick.

We have to be the most fortunate people on the face of this earth! We have super amazing family & friends... so many of you have given of yourselves to help our family in so many ways. I am always humbled when the Lord chooses to use the people in our lives, He never ceases to amaze me! Today a couple of very special friends taught me a lot about myself through the sacrifice they made on behalf our family. Not to mention, about 21 years ago they were responsible for introducing me & Danny. I don't think they really thought it would work out but it was kinda cool to have your best friend date your boyfriends best friend. It did make for some fun dates... thanks David & Beverley... for everything!

I have shared with several people today that we know we are incredibly blessed. A few folks recently have said I know you hate being at the hospital for so long and you are ready for all of this to be over. Yes, it is not ideal but we are so thankful to be where we are right now. I am content being in the hospital knowing Danny is receiving the best care possible. Of course, we will be glad when all of this is over because it is not all peachy... with the exception of loosing my Mother this is the toughest situation I have ever been through... but we also are thankful in the good times and the bad. We realize that Danny is so fortunate to have a cancer that responds very well to chemo and he is going to be cured! And now the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter as we pass the half way mark with the treatments, yeah!

Overall we are blessed beyond measure!


  1. Hi Danny and Regina,
    Sorry I haven't posted lately. I have been reading the blog and praying. I'm so very glad to hear that things are on track and your treatment has not been interupted. It's great to hear the positive tone you both have when you write. Your're correct it's not the ideal situation but it is working and you're improving. Karen and I have lived in two campers and a small trailer for over a year. It's not been "ideal" but God has met our needs and kept us together. We are so excited about selling our house, we close next Wednesday and God has led us to a GREAT new house. It has been worth being uncomfortable for awhile. If our house had sold any sooner than it did we wouldn't have been in a good situation. Our God is an on-time God. He doesn't tarry. His timing is perfection. I don't have any idea as to why He is keeping you in the hospital but I can promise you it is because it's in your best interest. He has a plan and I'm glad you're staying positive trusting Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 couldn't be more appropriate. But let's add 7-8 which read "Don't be impressed with your own wisdom, instead, fear (respect/love) the Lord and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones."(NLT)
    God is good...... And all the time......

  2. Keep your spirits high and the Lord close for he knows your every need. Keeping you in my daily prayers. Love Jamie MABE Fitzsimmons
