Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009

Not much to tell today. I had both test. Delaney set it up so that I could have both back to back which was nice to go ahead and get them out of the way. Lots of calls, facebook post, emails and blog comments that I continue to be encouraged by.

My arm is black and blue from the surgery where they put in the port a cath yesterday but there is no pain. I still have the pain in my chest but the pain medicine makes it manageable. I have no dignity left after the ultrasound today but hey God hates pride anyway.

Overall it was a good and prosperous day. Tomorrow I go to the medical mall for the PET scan in the morning and then to the oncologist for chemo school. I guess I will have something to say tomorrow about what I am to expect during the treatments.

I have received word of so many different people and groups of people praying for me that I am probably much better off than before I got sick. What an encouragement to know that so many people who love God and are loved by God are pleading with him on my behalf. I am confident that He is working in this and that ultimately he will do what brings honor to him and what is best for his people!


  1. Danny... Our thoughts and prayers are with you! The old "neighborhood" will be rather quiet with both of us gone, for now... I'm sure your in Rob and Harvey's thoughts also. Get Well!! It's not just your kids that need you... You have a lot of other kids that look up to you, also!!

    Larry D.

  2. Danny,
    We prayed for you guys last night in choir practice. Also Nancy and I are keeping you and Regina and the kids in our prayers. If we can do anything DO NOT hestitate to call We are will to keep the kids or cut your grass or anything just let me know!!! We love you guys!

    Bobby Smith

  3. Danny, we will continue to pray for you and your family!! Remember god doesn't give us more than we can handle, keep ur faith strong and him!! He will see you through and you will have a testimony!! love the nixon family (Troy/Tracy Nixon)
